Plato Hits 10 Millionth Visitor Mark and Lays Out Web3 Vision at Quantum Miami


Plato Technologies Inc. (Plato) announced today that it has passed the 10 millionth visitor mark on their Open Beta.

“This represents significant milestone for the company and we want to thank everyone involved in this project for their contributions over the course of the last three years of bootstrapping,” states Bryan Feinberg, Plato CEO.

The company who has been operating somewhat in stealth mode for the past 3 years is presenting this week at Quantum Miami (

Plato was built as a response to the security vulnerabilities that became prevalent across the ICO boom of 2016-2017 as an ultra-secure environment to consume sector specific intelligence with a no ad model.

“We not only created an immersive data platform that is built to scale but figured out how to authentically engage across the sectors we cover especially across Blockchain & Web3. We started out by building an organized taxonomy of the blockchain industry and once we cracked that, we went after the entire innovation superhighway which now consists of 27 markets that intersect with venture capital and private equity. We view ourselves as part of the fabric that is the foundation of Web3 especially as it relates to secured connectivity and trustless environments,” continues Feinberg.

“We learned so much over the Beta about how not only to build Ai but how to build a sustainable data ecosystem via a low-cost, high value product. We are strong believers in testing assumptions against the dynamics of real-world environments and this Open Beta was the perfect medium to battle test our frameworks. Web3 is going through a bit of a metamorphosis right now and the race is on how to incorporate more Ai as it relates to driving more personalized and authentic engagements.”

Since launching the beta in April of 2020, Plato has had over 70,000 Enterprises visitors representing 200+ Countries across 27 languages and about 40% of the Fortune 1000.
