Cakrawala University Officially Operates in Indonesia

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Along with the implementation of the first batch of Cakrawala University’s Teaching and Learning Activities which have selected 600 students from a total of 1,067 applicants, Achmad Zaky as the Founder of Cakrawala together with Pramoda Dei Sudarmo, MBA., MPA. as Special Staff for Competence and Management of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology inaugurated and published the Decree of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology Number 58/E/O/2024 concerning the Operational Permit of Cakrawala University.

Cakrawala University has officially received a Ministerial Decree which has been signed and ratified since August 19, 2024. Today’s event is a symbolic inauguration of the decree. The event was also attended by several invited guests from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, Technology, officials of Cakrawala University universities, and also several invited students of Cakrawala University.

Zaky Syah (Zack) as one of the Founders of Cakrawala and CEO of Dibantu explained the vision and mission of Cakrawala. Zack explained that many underprivileged communities have great potential that needs to be supported to improve their standard of living by providing affordable and quality higher education. “Cakrawala University is present in a superior ecosystem that includes business, technology, finance, and investment, thanks to the support of venture capital Init-6 and startup These two entities function as a support system that strengthens Cakrawala University, providing an ideal environment for students to develop and achieve success in the future.”

Currently, Cakrawala University is developing a curriculum called CareerReady Curriculum which is applied through 1 Year Focus. With this program, students can complete the credits in 3 years and the remaining 1 year focuses on creating and developing portfolios and work experience. In addition, the syllabus and materials taught at Cakrawala University are compiled by involving practitioners in the industry to ensure that the knowledge delivered is in accordance with practices in the field. With this approach, Cakrawala University is optimistic that it can become a place of learning that is relevant and accessible to all groups.

The presence of Cakrawala University is considered increasingly relevant amidst the challenges of higher education in Indonesia. According to the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), the participation rate of higher education in Indonesia shows that only around 31.45% of the Indonesian population will continue to college in 2023. The participation rate in higher education is still low when compared to neighboring countries such as Malaysia, Thailand and Singapore, which also has an impact on the competition for the quality of human resources.

Cakrawala University currently offers various class programs for students. The regular program is specifically designed for students who have just graduated from high school and want to continue their education to college level. A professional program is also opened which is designed for workers who need a more flexible study schedule. Lectures at Cakrawala are designed to be able to adjust to the needs of students, making it easier for them to study. Various scholarships are also available, including from the GARIS Institute, the Achmad Zaky Foundation, and the Dibantu Pendidikan Indonesia Foundation, all of which support the mission of providing affordable and quality higher education for students.
